Sunday, April 7, 2013

I Know What You're Thinkin'

Success! I tried out our new Behringer USB audio interface with my G&L electric guitar as input device. The intention is to have a USB in to the laptop and Garageband. It works!

There are three electric guitar tracks (playing a double lead and a bass line) plus a drum loop.

This is an old song that only had the one brief line of title words as the lyrics. There is a call and response to the two main guitars. You can hear the "I know what you're thinkin'" phrasing in the "response" guitar line.

I added this to the album: "Nowheristan".

This seemed to want to be sort of jazzy lounge rock. Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Riddle of Old Dave, New Dave

I have finally figured out the logical fallacy of aging. Yup, finally cracked it. Boom! We have been thinking about this backwards all along. 

You see this photo? Which one is Old Dave? 

You see that dashing fellow in the yellow shirt? That's not Old Dave. No, it's that 19-year-old kid with the scruffy hair—that's Old Dave!

This guy, right here and now? I'm not old at all, I'm new. From now on, you can just call me New Dave.