Piano Music - Volume 1

by Dave Gude 

An album-length collection of music videos. 

One piano, many moods, nine songs without words.

PIANO MUSIC - VOLUME 1, recorded June 21, 2020

#1 - Five Rocks in the Stream (in C major)
#2 - Dave's Happy Dance (in G major)
#3 - The Accompanist (in F major) [read the story behind the song]
#4 - Snowfall at Midnight (in G minor)
#5 - Oaks in Snow (in B-flat major) [read the story behind the song]
#6 - The Brickbuilder (in G-flat major)
        I.  Anguish (in C-sharp minor)
        II. Awakening (in D-flat major)
#8 - Rhumba-esque (in A-flat major)
#9 - Hard Alee (in A major)


Two ways to listen:
• Or, scroll down and enjoy each embedded video separately.


#1 - Five Rocks in the Stream (in C major)

#2 - Dave's Happy Dance (in G major)

#3 - The Accompanist (in F major) [read the story behind the song]

#4 - Snowfall at Midnight (in G minor)

#5 - Oaks in Snow (in B-flat major) [read the story behind the song]


  #6 - The Brickbuilder (in G-flat major)


        I.  Anguish (in C-sharp minor)
        II. Awakening (in D-flat major)


 #8 - Rhumba-esque (in A-flat major)


 #9 - Hard Alee (in A major)